
Welcome to the public face of my BLOG-o-sphere. Where all My public articles, bits of writing that i might have written somewhere else, would be stored here. Some of which may include extra information for those articles that might have been needed to be cut out in the originals as well as links to other things such as the data from which the piece was written from as well as any other possible further reading on that particular topic. This is also the place from which all news pertaining me and my writing endeavors are listed, from time to time. For new readers, it is advisable to read the first blog post which contains rules and regulations for those who wish to frequent this site and leave constructive comments as well as to contact the author for any inquries.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Baby Dumping: Is There A Solution?

Co-Authored with Nur Faliqa, Nursabrina and Ayna Syaqiren

Adolescents are often associated with social problems and this has become an increasingly serious issue. Almost every day we can see the media reporting on issues involving youngsters, specifically adolescents on drug abuse, LGBT, illegal racing, snatch theft crime, gengsterisme, road bullies and runaways, reaching alarming levels.

In recent years, baby dumping has been one of the most shocking of these issues plaguing the country. Baby dumping involves the illegal discarding of infants ages less than 12 months old,  left in the open or in hidden places, with the intention to get rid of the baby regardless of the dangers on the baby’s life (Nazani, Zaherawati, Zaliha & Kamaruadin, 2012). An example of the worst kinds of dumping are when a girl would give birth in a school bathroom at night then throws the baby into the garbage or in the toilet bowl even a baby swaddled in newspapers left squalling by a fly-infested dustbin, as opposed to a baby left on the doorsteps of people’s home with notes or in a mosque.

This is an embarrassing, sad and worst reflection of our society today with statistics showing that these youngsters play a very worrying role in the rise of unwed pregnancies which usually leads to dumping. In January to April 2010, there were a reported number of over 111 unmarried young girls who were pregnant out of wedlock (Source: JKM). While the figures way seem in reasonable value, it should not be taken lightly as in all likelihood we may see a sharp increase of reported cases for the rest of the year. There are also the unreported cases which makes it harder to tabulate an exact amount of unwed pregnancies, making the exact numbers higher than any given statistics.

The key triggers for baby dumping are out of wedlock pregnancy coupled with an unforgiving society. In particular, when this happens to adolescent in school who are not mentally prepared to cognitively think of a better solution and may only react out of fear and panic, looking to dumping as the only solution that would help get their lives back to normal. This is in relation to the rise of early unsafe uneducated adolescent sexual practice in Malaysia, which prompts these pregnancies leading to baby dumping with statistics showing that in most developing countries the population are sexually active before they are 15 years of age (Dixon-Mueller, 2009).

Baby dumping is not the solution and is considered a crime under Section 317 of the Penal Code which carries a maximum jail term of seven years of fine or both according to the Malaysia law. For the past few years the alarming numbers of newborn babies found dead or live in the most unlikely places such as toilets and dumpsters have increased dramatically. As Malaysians gets desensitized by the violence against these children increases, so does it is reflected on how cases of it rises over time reaching intolerable levels, taking into question our own sense morality as a civilized society.

According to Utusan Malaysia, these inhuman activities ran rampant as it seems to happen almost every month, only a slight drop from last year which had monthly occurrences of it. On January 16, 2013 a fetus was found in a glass bottle near the lay stall by a cleaner in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Then, by 21st January, newborn baby was dumped into garbage bin in Hospital Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Temerloh, Pahang. This trend continued up till December. Is this the developed society that we wanted be? What goes to the mind of these killers? What prompted such cruelty to manifest among supposedly peace loving Malaysians? This is not an isolated problem this is the effects modern social values corrupting our sense of humanity.

There are various factors and reasons of increasing cases of baby dumping. This can be categorizing into three main components which is social, spiritual and globalization in developing technology (Prof Madya Dr Mohammad Shatar, 2010).  Social factors are the main point that leads to baby dumping. This includes unlimited socialization in life between men and women, where western portrayal of romance makes the culture of unsafe casual sexual practice the norm. Where the populace only takes in these portrayals without the benefit of solid sexual education that teaches them about safe sex through the use of condoms.

Religious education then plays an important role in shaping the minds of our young against the onslaught of westernized social thought, it allows them to have a strong moral compass and belief system where they can turn to for guidance and comfort. With it our youths can make better decision on what is good and bad for them and those around them.
In the globalization era, the proliferation of technologies through mobile phones and higher usage of the internet, has allowed unprecedented access to a myriad and dizzying volume of information and actives. Left unmonitored, our children may be exposed to immoral activities that they do not understand and may copy blandly.

Thus it is imperative that we keep a close eye on our kids, nurture them, teaching about good and bad, help and harm, let them understand intrinsically that sex comes with its own set of consequences and baby are not things to be thrown at a whim, they are people,

Adults play an integral role in this initiative, where through their guidance and good example that these young adolescent may learn of the immorality of the act. Cooperation of the authority, government and society as a whole also plays a crucial role towards achieving the target of eliminating social problems in a community. This might be seen as an insurmountable task, but something worthwhile is never easy.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

To Breathe Together: Essence of solving Mysteries

When you want to talk about conspiracy theories, the best way is to start from the top; like the way these theories have a single defining mystery, the course for concern, the very existence of this defining trait of human cultural discourse also has its own root explaining its great significance in out cultural mind set.

The word ‘conspiracy’ and to an extend its root ‘conspire’ has its etymology to the Latin compound word ‘Conspirare’ which is derived from the words ‘Con’ which means ‘Together With’ and ‘spirare’ which means ‘Breathe’. The literal translation of these two Latin Words meshed together means ‘to breath together’, but in more precise form to discuss together, or more importantly to agree together on a form of action, or in this case, plotting together.

Like the core meaning of the word plot, the basis of the conspiracy is that a group of people try to conspire with one another to execute a plan that may be benevolent or evil against a corrupt or just opposition in secret. While the civil, and criminal and political definition of this concept is posited as inherently negative in impact, it’s undeniable that without it the course of history would be very different.

 The revolutions of the world that brought upon great social change in democracies all started out as conspiracies, a pact among socially conscious men against their despots. Inversely there are also those who conspire for their own selfish needs and not care at best or nihilistically crave at worst, for chaos and suffering that might be endured by the volatile change incurred through conspiracies.  

Even the act of unmasking conspiracies would shake a society from its calm centre, uprooting long held beliefs and shaking the faith of the society on the stability of their surroundings. These things, weather it comes to fruition, thwarted or simplifying lingering in the social consciousness of the massed public, have an intrinsic impact on civilized society and how we as individuals see ourselves in the world as a whole.

Conspiracy theories are a form of investigative function into the hidden secrets and mysteries surrounding conspiracies; its true nature as a struggle for good or evil, it’s intricate cause and if it should be championed or stopped for the good of all. Detractors of course would point out by floating these theories around the consciousness of the people is detrimental, they view that it could engender the “Mean World Syndrome”, where the uncultured notion that the world is full of evil simply based on the understanding cultivated in them through others’ opinions and depiction of our world in the media.

History of course is written by the victors, and if it is our duty to expose any evil plot that may be behind a great disaster such as the disappearance of MH370, then we should do it calmly and collectively to ensure that the actual truths can be ingested safely by the public at large. Political scandals like ‘Watergate’ proves that sometimes it is better to seek out the truth for the good benefit of the public then let the conspiracy run rampant in the shadows.

  1. “Cultivation Theory by George Gerbner” ” in the book,  “A First Look at Communication Theory” by Em Grifin [McGraw-Hill, 2012]
  2. Ku Seman Ku Hussein  (ARKIB : 06/04/2014).
“CIA dan teori konspirasi hilangnya MH370”. Retrieved 30 April, 2014, from
  1. History of United States of America at Wikipedia.org,
    1. Specifically the American Revolutionary War,
    1. Specifically the American Civil War, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_civil_war
    2. Specifically the Watergate Scandal,
  1. Meaning of Revolution at Wikipedia.org, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution.
  2. Meaning of Conspiracy in Civil, Crime, Political terms at Wikipedia.org,
    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_(civil)
    2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_(criminal)
    3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conspiracies_(political)
  3. Meaning of Conspiracy at Wikipedia.org,
  1. Meaning and etymology of Conspiracy and Conspire, though Google.com Search tools.

Gadget Dependency: Proliferation of the Global Village

Mediated communications has for the past century turn into the norm for almost everyone around the globe; specifically through digital telecommunications means, we have grown used to talking, writing into a device to convey our message to another person thousands of miles away using our mere voice and text.

It is simply the next step in Marshall McLuhan‘s theory of “Media Ecology’ through the proliferation of the Global Village. It is described as a penultimate gathering of consciousness, where vast distances would not hamper the collective discourse on socio-political and other academic issues by a connected global society, a veritable village of interdependency.

            As everyone felt connected through earlier oral teachings in villages during the early eras of civilization, the insemination of knowledge and philosophical thought during the era of books and newspapers after the invention of the printing press, as well as the rise of the visual stimulation and manipulation of perception and emotion through the creation of pictures, film and television, the internet is simply an extension of that evolution.

            An evolution of collective thought, one now made easier through gadgets like mobile devices. Thus it was inevitable that we delve deeper into the phenomenon to understand our why we feel the need to be connected to this Global Village; surveys on our usage of these devices are the same kinds of usage surveys done when the other previous mediums were introduced and still carried out today.

             Research such as the one highlighted in the New York Daily News, about our supposed surprising fast adaptation and apparent of this communicative medium, are all too common, with nary a single one showing how it compared to how we accepted a new medium previously.

Yes we slept with smartphones, but we’ve slept with books for hundreds of years before that and the broadcast media half a century ago. Other news such as the one depicting a youth killing his mother due to not supposedly not getting a smartphone, a rampant sensationalism to reach bottom line of mass media; to gain profit by attracting readers, just because neither of the previously mentioned article tried to delve deeper then the surface of their findings and simply slapped a one fits all explanation to them.

What was the motivation of the killing was there history that pushed the killer over the edge? What is the major motivation behind the need to be digitally connected to the Global Village through their Smartphone?  The unifying theory then is that both articles exhibited a need by marginalized individuals wanting to be heard and the best way is through being connected to a Global Village where they can achieve a sense of belonging to something and someone while lending their voice and opinions, giving them a sense of importance.

  1. “Media Ecology by Marshal McLuhan” in the book,  “A First Look at Communication Theory” by Em Grifin [McGraw-Hill, 2012]
  2. Meena Hart Duerson. (Thursday, August 16, 2012, 2:28 PM).
“We’re addicted to our phones: 84% worldwide say they couldn’t go a single day without their mobile device in their hand”. Retrieved 30 April, 2014, from http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/addicted-phones-84-worldwide-couldn-single-day-mobile-device-hand-article-1.1137811
  1. Dennis Wong. (05 April 2014| last updated at 07:10PM).
“Mom murdered for smart phone”.
Retrieved 30 April, 2014, from http://www.nst.com.my/latest/mom-murdered-for-smart-phone-1.551338

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

TL: DR = Too Long: Didn’t Read

One of the dangers of writing for the web is that you are left to your own devices, enabling you as the creative master of the work to branch off and talk endlessly about an issue to death. Making it easy to loose sight of a main objective of writing any piece of reading; to enable others to find the information they are looking for, whether for simple entertainment or educational purposes.

Elaborations become too detailed, and you forget to let the readers explore certain key facets of the issue for themselves, swamping them with facts and figures that at times bewildering, especially those who are novices to its topic of discussion. This coupled with a language so complex and literary may inadvertently have a “Boomerang Effect”, ‘where attitudes change in the opposite direction of what the message advocates; audiences driven away rather then drawn to the idea’ as implied in the Social Judgment Theory by Muzafer Sherif (Em Griffin, 2012).

Ironically, pushing away the readers who might most benefit from reading such a discourse in how the internet, as a media or information gathering, shapes their daily lives. The online article titled; ”Artikel 3: BALKANISASI SIBER: GANGGUAN KEPADA SEMANGAT 1MALAYSIA” by blogger http://suaramurba.blogspot.com/ or Dr. Rahmat Ghazali, is too rigid and hard-fact based for audiences who are not used to the high academic level discourse that it presents to the public.

They would instead shy away and gravitate towards easier to understand articles relating to the issue, which probably would provide worst educational value to them at best and misinformation at worst. As painstakingly explained in the original article, the audience has an overwhelming power to pick and choose what they want to read, hear, feel and at the end of the day, the best way to change their wants and needs is to influence their perception to de-balkanize their world-view.

Thus then it is imperative to KISS(s); Keep It Short and Simpe (stupid), a fundamental concept in Journalism where keeping everything concise and simple allows for better initial appeal, understanding and hopefully a change in mind-set for its readers. At the end of the day, not everyone has the luxury to read pages after pages of academic discourse when they can get a summarized version, like this tidbit espoused by Dr Rahmat Ghazali ini his article;


  1. “A First Look at Communication Theory” by Em Grifin [McGraw-Hill, 2012]
  2. “Media Society: Industries, Images and Audiences” by David Croteau & Williams Hoynes & Stefania Milan [SAGE Publications, 2012]
  3. Rahmat Ghazali.. (2011). Artikel 3: BALKANISASI SIBER: GANGGUAN KEPADA SEMANGAT 1MALAYSIA. Retrieved 29 April, 2014, from http://suaramurba.blogspot.com/2011/11/artikel-3-balkanisasi-siber-gangguan.html

Monday, April 28, 2014

Talking about our Socio-Political Landscape

The answer to the question of whether we should talk about our own socio-political landscape or leave it to the experts is a simple one: we damn hell should. The very backbone of democracy is the freedom of speech and we as the free citizens should exercise this obligation to society.

            With the proliferation of the internet and Blogging websites, it has never been easier then ever before for a concerned citizen to go online, post their views on issues plaguing the nation, and engender debates. The technology is cheap and simple with Blogspot.com and wordpress.org providing easy tools to learn and master in creating your web based articles.

Wordpress -  Welcome page.
            You aren’t cluttered down by bureaucratic gatekeeping procedures, or specified formats to convey ideas forwards, you are free to say as much of the truth you deem in the way you prefer it to be. You can even add in multimedia such as videos, pictures and even links to enhance your work, allowing for easier understanding and access for your readership.

                                           Blogger - Accout Setup
           This is particularly important when talking about social and political issues, since you now have the ability to go beyond balkanized traditional media house styles and get to the root of each problem. Presenting it in the most appealing and neutral way possible, you have more of a chance in finding acceptance of your views and facilitate change that traditional ways would allow.

            Since there is no ownership agenda-setting involved and is being done to get the core of the issue across in the hopes of a resolution instead of any financial gains, you are theoretically viewed as unbiased and a champion of the free citizenry. The basic core tenets of journalism finally realized in the digital age, where journalist aren’t simply the guard dog of the government through their media house owners but the watchdog of freedom, the fourth estate instead.

            While there are concerns regarding the Communications and Multimedia Act or CMA (1998), its regulator the Multimedia Communications and Multimedia Commission establish by an eponymous act in the same year, Sedition Act, and of course the dreaded Evidence Act, no writer should suffer any chilling effect if they stand by their principles as citizen Journalists.

            If these online crusaders follow the ethical guidelines and let conscience be their guide, there is nothing to fear but the fear of not doing enough to make the world a better place.


  1. Malaysian Federal Laws, et all.
  2. “Media Society: Industries, Images and Audiences” by David Croteau & Williams Hoynes & Stefania Milan [SAGE Publications, 2012]
  3. Blogspot.com
  4. Wordpress.org

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

THE DISCLAIMER [News and Associated Articles]

Here is the DISCLAIMER, that i've promised you a long time ago, which i will start by pointing out the obvoius realities of this BLOG, this is a semi-private blog, where readers are invited to come and news about my day to day activities as a journalist/creative writer as well as any associated feature articles i may want to include therein.

As such, you are forwarned that this is in fact a semi-private editorial page even if it is set at public, and that it will contain my own colored perception on any issue, and while i encourage public discourse through the comments where there is no absolute right or wrong, what i write is my right to convey my own feelings on that particular matter, no one has the right to dispell that unless i am convinced otherwise by SOUND arguments. Trolls are not welcomed and will have their comments removed, inlusive of Ad whores.

I also am not responsible to the perceptions of others and their comments therein in this blog, their thoughts and views are their own as entitled to them as free individuals, i will not censure them. Again trolls are warned from going overbored or purposefully starting flame wars, i will find out who you are, i wil expose you sickness to the world.

On the topic readership, you have no say in this, it is not a democracy, this BLOG is my private domain, as such i rule supreme, all decisions may be reviewd, but only at my discretion, my word is LAW here. The things i write here are those that i cannot publish online or on print, and thus only available to this public blog. While it is designated public, it is not my intention to instill my views unto others only to let the world see them as they are; my private views.

Thus, whatver i say here is what is purview to my mind, while it is PUBLSIHED on this blog, it is in fact a private discourse; between me and my close following, and thus not categorized as true MASS media for the general public, ergo it should not be treated as so. Even if it goes against the laws of the land of the readers or even me as a writer, the topic discussed are not purview to massed public discourse, and thus not make me liable to be persecuted as diseminator of seditious material. ALL OF THIS IS MY PRIVATE VIEWS, and no one has the right, not even elected governments, to tell me how to view and respond to the world around me.

You must get expressed permision from me to repost, make it a point of reference or link it anywhere else, and only with proper APA style referencing of source material. Thank you and have a good read.

Friday, April 1, 2011


First news of he day folks, i finally accepted the fact that i am crazy and started talking to a machine...well actually just rambling ON a machine, typing away whatever i want to say.

SO cheers to my first news item on this prestigious NEWS blog, for such a distinguished person~~~~~!!!!**COUGHS BLOOD**

Will get all the disclamiers writen and by god put something worth reading, if not by anyone else besides the darling love of my life, then at least me , i sure could use something to read when i loose my mind.

Adios for Now Mother-F***er